Pitch to Lauren Graham (satire)

Hi https://twitter.com/thelaurengraham (this generation’s funnier and prettier Barbra Stanwyck–but not because of the Oscar thing)!

Looking forward to reading another one of your super funny and engaging books (yes, I know: https://sites.prh.com/have-i-told-you-this-already).

I was reading https://twitter.com/AnnaKendrick47’s Little something, something but got interrupted by your fast talking book and finished it instead.

Have you thought of doing comedy?

My in the shower idea was that you would play a mean, incompetent and unintentionally funny boss (I know, I know, finding people to model after will be difficult in this environment but I am sure you can rise to the challenge). Kelly Bishop would be a struggling every-woman employee at one of your distant subsidiaries. Thanks to one of your “decisions”, the [corporate corporate] results in much of the company being fired, including her. Disaster! Heartbreak! Conflict on a company wide scale ensues and as part of the settlement Kelly is rehired and ends up working on the same floor (I would suggest her last name, changed of course, be “Stanwyck”).

The real joke throughout the season is that she is in fact your mother but given your long estrangement you, and the audience for at least part of the season, do not recognise her (Kelly’s character naturally does all she can to disguise the fact that she is your mother, including avoiding you in the hallways). Imagine the mother watching her daughter destroying the world around her, up close, all while she cannot reveal herself to her or help her. The guilt! Reverse-Nepo! Shakespeare! Your smart assistant finds out early on that Kelly is your mother, but is sworn to secrecy (or blackmailed by Kelly) and must constantly intervene to avoid disasters you or she create, including the occasional almost stumbling on to her true identity.

Throw in [social commentary social commentary] and a lot of references to current day business/political wackos and you have lots of material to work with. You can even throw in some [medical medical]. Season 1 would end with the reveal which then naturally sets up Season 2.

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