kleopatra flatpak crashing on open

wayland updates? A weird bug cropped up with kleopatra, the Flatpak application for PGP. It would load and then crash immediately. The solution was to go into the command line and type: flatpak run org.kde.kleopatra (Note: You can obtain this identifier by typing flatpak list.) The issue was that it was complaining about the Wayland… Continue reading kleopatra flatpak crashing on open

whisper.cpp and ollama already provide what WWDC promises

on device processing is a given for a feature that is months ahead of Apple Apple has just concluded its presentation at WWDC, the Developers Conference keynote, where they showcased updates to their operating systems and introduced new Apple Intelligence products. One notable aspect is the integration with ChatGPT 4.0, which will be available for… Continue reading whisper.cpp and ollama already provide what WWDC promises

getting blurt to use the CUDA whisper.cpp version in Fedora Silverblue

an immutable OS means never being able to install the CUDA toolkit directly In order to get the blurt gnome desktop integration to use the whisper.cpp CUDA model in Fedora Silverblue (or any immutable OS), you need to do a couple of things: main-cuda is the key Assuming you have whisper.cpp and blurt installed and… Continue reading getting blurt to use the CUDA whisper.cpp version in Fedora Silverblue

distil-whisper is the tipping point

astounding accuracy of OpenAI's whisper is retained with massive speed improvements in distil-whisper transcribing the excellent 40 minute Prosecuting Donald Trump podcast in 45 seconds If you have ever suffered through voice-to-speech software from the 1990s with its awkward setup, convoluted training, and extremely poor accuracy, you will be astounded by the latest automatic speech… Continue reading distil-whisper is the tipping point

Testing out LLMs with a Mandelbrot plot using numba and CUDA

I don't think LLMs understand CUDA I am exploring numba and CUDA. What better way to examine code than to ask an LLM to generate samples. It works for some code examples, but it is painfully obvious that at best LLMs are a copy/paste function (with lacuna) and at worst simply don't understand CUDA at… Continue reading Testing out LLMs with a Mandelbrot plot using numba and CUDA

How to encrypt and decrypt documents in LibreOffice using YubiKeys and GPG

for Fedora Silverblue and other Linux users who thought this function was broken For the longest time I thought LibreOffice's Encrypt with GPG key option for saving files was broken: Yes, you can easily save the file with encryption, select your GPG public key to encrypt and it all seems to work, but when it… Continue reading How to encrypt and decrypt documents in LibreOffice using YubiKeys and GPG

Kleopatra for Fedora Silverblue: one solution

Kleopatra for Windows works fine: it recognises my YubiKey as a smart-card and is able to encrypt/sign/decrypt and verify without issue. Kleopatra for Fedora Silverblue on the other hand: Fedora Silverblue often did not recognise the YubiKey (upon boot it seems to hog the YubiKey and does not let go). I had to manually reset… Continue reading Kleopatra for Fedora Silverblue: one solution

How to unlock a LUKS encrypted Fedora Silverblue disk using a YubiKey with FIDO2

Just this past week a solution has finally emerged from reddit thanks to donkerslootn (https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/11qk9gx/luks_and_fido2_unlock_on_fedora_silverblue/) on how to unlock an encrypted disk upon boot using a YubiKey (instead of a password) for the excellent Fedora Silverblue OS (both 37 and 38 beta worked). By default, one would need to type in the password for the… Continue reading How to unlock a LUKS encrypted Fedora Silverblue disk using a YubiKey with FIDO2

Pitch to Lauren Graham (satire)

Hi https://twitter.com/thelaurengraham (this generation's funnier and prettier Barbra Stanwyck--but not because of the Oscar thing)! Looking forward to reading another one of your super funny and engaging books (yes, I know: https://sites.prh.com/have-i-told-you-this-already). I was reading https://twitter.com/AnnaKendrick47's Little something, something but got interrupted by your fast talking book and finished it instead. Have you thought of… Continue reading Pitch to Lauren Graham (satire)

Generate random numbers and passwords using your YubiKey

It is easy to fall down a rabbit hole of research when searching for methods of generating sufficiently random numbers on a computer. It is an area that requires deep expertise and is generally inaccessible for the average user. At its heart, the idea of generating randomness from a device that is built to be… Continue reading Generate random numbers and passwords using your YubiKey

The Fifth Element (1997) review/satire

Industrial conglomerate owner (Elon) Zorg races to collect four stones demanded of his backer, who is described by one of the keepers of the stones on Earth as “pure evil.” Zorg is under pressure as he has promised delivery without actually possessing the stones. He is also suffering from his haircut and other physical ailments.… Continue reading The Fifth Element (1997) review/satire

How to improve your Mastodon workflow

Today's big news is the implosion of TWTR. As of today, the remaining qualified domain experts within the company rejected Musk’s revised employment conditions and left the Zoom call. After all, he that is so yokèd by a fool, Methinks should not be chronicled for wise The Two Gentlemen of Verona As several essential functions… Continue reading How to improve your Mastodon workflow

How to transcribe hundreds of audio files into text using OpenAI Whisper

As I mentioned earlier, OpenAI's Whisper transcription model is the current state of the art, with stunning results. Whisper is so good, in fact, that I felt it worthwhile to transcribe hundreds of old audio files into text. Rather than doing this manually, I set up a workflow, which you can see in the enclosed… Continue reading How to transcribe hundreds of audio files into text using OpenAI Whisper

I am stunned by OpenAI Whisper’s voice to text results

The following blog entry was essentially transcribed (with manual editing where I was unhappy with what I said). OpenAI Whisper using the medium model (unedited with errors in red): The new OpenAI Whisper Voice to Transcription Service is now by far the best transcription service available. It is open source and can very easily be… Continue reading I am stunned by OpenAI Whisper’s voice to text results


To someone who worked in Hong Kong for a number of years, one of the most singular aspects of Musk's TWTR takeover is the Four Seasons Landscaping level of obliviousness concerning the headline transaction details. If the Chinese press are not pointing this out that speaks volumes too. What I am referring to, of course,… Continue reading 四四

How to sync Windows/Debian and Android for Obsidian markdown editor: Synology NAS sync breakthrough

A breakthrough in Android took place very quietly within the Synology NAS ecosystem which has finally opened up the ability to use the excellent markdown editor Obsidian on Android properly. Before the introduction of the Synology Drive beta, it was not possible to realistically sync a NAS folder of your choosing on to your Android… Continue reading How to sync Windows/Debian and Android for Obsidian markdown editor: Synology NAS sync breakthrough

How to setup YubiKey SSH authentication for Synology NAS under DSM 7: advanced users only

Synology DSM 7 supports YubiKey logins to the Synology NAS console. Because SSH access results in an equivalent, if not greater, security exposure, it makes sense to lock that door with the same level of security (it would be silly to have YubiKey secured console login but password secured SSH access with port 22 for… Continue reading How to setup YubiKey SSH authentication for Synology NAS under DSM 7: advanced users only

How to fix “drive cannot be encrypted because it contains system boot information” in Windows 11

I found a fix regarding bitlocker for those exploring the Windows 11 beta and finding themselves unable to turn Bitlocker back on. Each successive beta did not fix the problem but it turns out the new problem is actually very old: [Error message when you try to run the BitLocker Drive Encryption program: "Cannot run"… Continue reading How to fix “drive cannot be encrypted because it contains system boot information” in Windows 11

Do we really want to solve the e-waste problem?

The problem There is an unsustainable acceleration in the volume of e-waste: most existing sources of e-waste, computers, phones and other household electronics, have not been recycled (rates achieved are only about 15%). Meanwhile, new sources of e-waste, like EVs and traditional devices that are being improved with semiconductors (such as farm tractors or household… Continue reading Do we really want to solve the e-waste problem?

Arkk ETF holdings tweet

This tweet today (https://twitter.com/INArteCarloDoss/status/1391839660830339073) concerning ARKK Innovation ETF is interesting, whether you agree with the tweet or not, because although it ranks the top 21 names in the fund by their daily percentage loss at the time of the tweet (everything on the list fell today by more than -6%), if you look further in… Continue reading Arkk ETF holdings tweet

Bill Hwang liquidation event?

According to a tweet thread by @DoveyWan, Bill Hwang’s entire $15B portfolio (covering $80B notional--over 5 times leverage) was liquidated on Friday (Goldman sold $10.5 bln of stocks in block-trade spree- Bloomberg News | Reuters). As alarming as one trader taking so many companies down by 40% in three days is the comment that he… Continue reading Bill Hwang liquidation event?