New leadership

leader?While the old leaders like AAPL, AMZN, FB, MSFT or TSLA are decidedly flattish (they can never be permitted to fall of course but they look rather anaemic), new issues seem to have attracted a bid this month as fuel cell names like BE, PLUG, BLDP and a weird mix of names such as BYND,… Continue reading New leadership

Failed breakout from wedge in TSLA could be interesting

a breakout that failed?As critical as a breakout from a wedge formation might be, the failed breakout is even more interesting, particularly in a name subject to so much option activity as TSLA. A multitude of positive catalysts failed this quarter so it was odd to say the least to see positive price action covering… Continue reading Failed breakout from wedge in TSLA could be interesting

Third trend change in TSLA in September seems to be underway

Nice market structureSeptember 1, 2020 at $500 ($2,500) defined the upper parallel and a good short entry point for the downward channel which lasted until the lower parallel was hit on September 8th at $330(recall that a day earlier TSLA fell -21%, the biggest drop in its history due to its failure to be included… Continue reading Third trend change in TSLA in September seems to be underway

Zoom indeed

Records are being broken in the US equity market (this-is-the-greatest-50-day-rally-in-the-history-of-the-sp-500). Heavy intervention in credit and other markets, along with billions in corona virus payments which have flowed into equity markets, have resulted in an epic bounce. Naturally, euphoria brings forward head scratching valuation. Today’s entry briefly notes the state of ZM after earnings.The Internet bubble… Continue reading Zoom indeed

Chapter 1: a web of yellow tape

[draft] One bright morning an unexpected web of shiny yellow police tape surrounded the apartment building down the street. Caught in the web were half a dozen police cars and officers scattered about the entrance. Cars nearby were entangled while officers redirected drivers hapless enough to approach. Everything was blocked. I went down the elevator… Continue reading Chapter 1: a web of yellow tape

Tea leaves

Warm sunshine cradled the room. Surrounded by greenery and glass, a light breeze weakly struggled to escape. By sitting quite still, the cat could recover memories of a world lost; the memories were faint and elusive, forcing the cat to pause. The light breeze calmly slipped inside, disappearing somewhere, perhaps up the tan wooden stairs.… Continue reading Tea leaves

Canada reaches limits of money printing

The last time bankers didn't destroy the economy A most interesting article by David Parkinson provides an example of the limits of central bank money printing ( Essentially, two opposite considerations prevent the Bank of Canada from acting on interest rates. While equity bulls would want free money to infinity, the current 1.75% policy rate… Continue reading Canada reaches limits of money printing

a tale of two CEOs This one is easy. Here is a story that illustrates the culture of Dairy Queen, owned by the legendary Warren Buffett ( Musk is legendary in his own way as "a fraudster extraordinaire." The video, by the way, is a must watch: Can there by any surprise that one company incinerates value and customers,… Continue reading a tale of two CEOs