distil-whisper is the tipping point

astounding accuracy of OpenAI's whisper is retained with massive speed improvements in distil-whisper transcribing the excellent 40 minute Prosecuting Donald Trump podcast in 45 seconds If you have ever suffered through voice-to-speech software from the 1990s with its awkward setup, convoluted training, and extremely poor accuracy, you will be astounded by the latest automatic speech… Continue reading distil-whisper is the tipping point

I am stunned by OpenAI Whisper’s voice to text results

The following blog entry was essentially transcribed (with manual editing where I was unhappy with what I said). OpenAI Whisper using the medium model (unedited with errors in red): The new OpenAI Whisper Voice to Transcription Service is now by far the best transcription service available. It is open source and can very easily be… Continue reading I am stunned by OpenAI Whisper’s voice to text results