Random number and password generator using YubiKey in Fortran

Fortran is fast I have ported over the random_number_generator.py and random_number_password_generator.py Python programs, which use the YubiKey random number generator engine, to generate high-quality random numbers. It's obvious that a good random number generator is crucial for encryption and other purposes. Given this, one would expect that Yubico has thoroughly tested and produced a highly… Continue reading Random number and password generator using YubiKey in Fortran

How to encrypt and decrypt documents in LibreOffice using YubiKeys and GPG

for Fedora Silverblue and other Linux users who thought this function was broken For the longest time I thought LibreOffice's Encrypt with GPG key option for saving files was broken: Yes, you can easily save the file with encryption, select your GPG public key to encrypt and it all seems to work, but when it… Continue reading How to encrypt and decrypt documents in LibreOffice using YubiKeys and GPG

How to unlock a LUKS encrypted Fedora Silverblue disk using a YubiKey with FIDO2

Just this past week a solution has finally emerged from reddit thanks to donkerslootn (https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/11qk9gx/luks_and_fido2_unlock_on_fedora_silverblue/) on how to unlock an encrypted disk upon boot using a YubiKey (instead of a password) for the excellent Fedora Silverblue OS (both 37 and 38 beta worked). By default, one would need to type in the password for the… Continue reading How to unlock a LUKS encrypted Fedora Silverblue disk using a YubiKey with FIDO2

Generate random numbers and passwords using your YubiKey

It is easy to fall down a rabbit hole of research when searching for methods of generating sufficiently random numbers on a computer. It is an area that requires deep expertise and is generally inaccessible for the average user. At its heart, the idea of generating randomness from a device that is built to be… Continue reading Generate random numbers and passwords using your YubiKey

How to setup YubiKey SSH authentication for Synology NAS under DSM 7: advanced users only

Synology DSM 7 supports YubiKey logins to the Synology NAS console. Because SSH access results in an equivalent, if not greater, security exposure, it makes sense to lock that door with the same level of security (it would be silly to have YubiKey secured console login but password secured SSH access with port 22 for… Continue reading How to setup YubiKey SSH authentication for Synology NAS under DSM 7: advanced users only

How to set up duplicate YubiKeys with OpenPGP in 2021: computer security could be so much better right now

[With Addendum to chapter 8 regarding deleting all secret keys on the computer to improve security even further by confining secret keys to the YubiKey when using Kleopatra on the desktop]  The fact that this blog entry is so long (or even necessary) is clear evidence of the abject failure of the computer industry to… Continue reading How to set up duplicate YubiKeys with OpenPGP in 2021: computer security could be so much better right now